Feminists are actually correct about Andrew Tate being a toxic role model. However, of course, I disagree on why Tate is poor at helping men. Tate is very much a self-improvement guru who has no interest in using his wealth to change misandrist laws. He is misdirecting the course of debate so most men remain slaves without realising it or having the opportunity to challenge the legal system. Tate merely plays into the stereotype of the rags-to-riches playboy who talks like he’s 12. It makes him an easy target for fems to blab on about so-called toxic masculinity. He is accentuating male solipsism and that caveman desire to chase status at fellow men’s expense.

Tate constantly misframes his argument and engages in misandry. He will shame men for not being masculine enough and use misandrist language like ‘pussy’, ‘beta’ and ‘simp’. Funnily enough, he does talk like a feminist at times and he often allows them to dictate the terms of debate. I’ve seen him ignorantly lose debates without realising he spews man-hating garbage from himself. He will attack men for not being breadwinners, not leaving their parent’s homes and having mental health issues. His most egregious videos are labelled “Why Depression is fake”, but he frames it from his own solipsistic perspective of never experiencing mood disorders (or so he claims).

A key example of Tate ceding ground to feminism is when he tells men to man up and become “breadwinners”- better known as head servants. He essentially agrees with feminists that men can be all-conquering with the way they think and behave. But research shows women make the majority of household decisions, such as finances, chores decoration, children, hobbies, selection of friends and various aspects. But of course, Tate is a classic misandrist-in-denial. He is a libertarian MGTOW (Men going their own way, or in reality, men being sent their own way).

He will herald the so-called “patriarchy”, without realising only 40% of men passed on their genes compared to 95% of women. A quick glance of Briffault’s law will tell you women look for men with high status, better known as hypergamy. Men built civilisation for the protection of women and children. They sacrificed themselves to fend off enemy men to shield their resources and assets in the name of their community and nation.

“Misogyny”, as some may struggle to believe, is not real. As much I loathe Mr. Tate, he is not “misogynist”. Men, who commit domestic violence and regular petty crime, are often of a poor upbringing from a single mother household. Statistics prove children, of single mother households, are heavily dispositioned towards worse life outcomes than children from dual parent households or single father households.

Women may complain about psychopathic, domineering men, but in 2013, 50 Shades of Grey was a bestselling novel. It does signal that certain women like high status men with dark triad personalities, doesn’t it? However, this is often the result of them “loving” men who would screw another man for her benefit, if needs be.

His fanboys merely exist to build his brand and spam videos of his one liners over social media. Andrew Tate cares about himself and no-one else. He was clearly allowed a platform by mainstream media to provide a distraction from real men’s issues such as struggling to attain employment, no fault divorce, homelessness and gender discrimination against men. He is the most blatant smokescreen, who would happily destroy his own loyal acolytes if it meant adding another zero to his net worth.

Men’s Rights Activism really does need a messiah, who has riches to defend himself in court and the intellect and desire to make men’s lives better. Otherwise, someone like myself might write a book about MRA and how men suffer from misandry in the workplace, marriage and the legal system. It would basically be like Karl Marx or Orwell writing material that few cared about when they were alive, but it becomes popular after they die. Like I said, your average underpaid Joe is not disciplined, savvy nor driven to improve men’s issues. They are distracted by agendas and smokebombs from selfish grifters, who would sacrifice them on the altar if they could gain from their disciples’ demise.

Does Andrew care that the majority of workplace deaths and homeless people are men? Does he even realise his own pursuit of wealth is to impress women, regardless of how much he denies it? The fact that 80% of divorces are filed by women? How the majority of prisoners, drug addicts, school dropouts and those who commit suicide come from single mother homes? How gender roles are reinforced by women and elites, even by so-called progressives who latch onto leftist politics for their self-aggrandisement? How capitalism and consumerism is dictated mostly by women, who spend far more money than men per capita? How wars are used to impoverish, kill and mentally destroy men from within, who serve the front lines and sacrifice themselves for psychopathic despots everywhere? And how religion and social conservatism is telling men to sacrifice themselves for others, but never makes the same demands for the opposite gender, who can demand their men to work themselves to their grave? Or how much the majority of racial and homophobic discrimination is directed at men? After all, put an attractive ethnic woman in front of a white nationalist and his seed will be mixed with whom he preached as the devil.

And as for myself, I’ve wasted far too much of life thinking about gaining money, status and women. But it has pushed me further and further into depression, conparing myself to millionaires and businessmen I shouldn’t even care about. If I had a mentality of being someone who traveled the world and using my labour to challenge the legal system, I would be more content with myself. Writing a book with my name would be an accomplishment, even if I died penniless with rock bottom status, no wife and no children.

Disenfranchised, low status, impoverished men need a benevolent dictator- and it absolutely 💯 is not Andrew Tate.


By and large, women spend far more money than men. It’s the reason why sugar daddies exist.

It’s the reason why pop and rap music has risen to the top since 1994, when Kurt Cobain died and killed Nirvana with him. Even before he died, there was glam rock, which appealed heavily to young girls with their daft garish clothing.

Why did pop punk, emo, nu metal and metalcore replace old school metal and rock? Because the economic recession of the early 1990s made women desire more “sensitive, politically conscious” men. Mind you, when I was a child, I listened to whatever my sister played. So if she wanted to listened to rap and RnB, I would follow.

But when I started listening to hardcore punk, old school and death metal, she refused. And what’s more, she was one buying CDs, downloads and gig tickets. Not me, I was content sitting at home.

Why did “incel” punk musician Negative XP and his Ramona Flowers song crashed out as quickly as he rose- because his music only appealed to lonely men who don’t spend money and live with their parents.

Sleep Token, whilst wearing masks, insert pop and RnB into their progressive metalcore sounds. They are the music industry’s safe and controlled “edginess”.

It’s also why far right nationalist black metal (or any avant-garde artists of any political persuasion) musicians are condemned- they do NOT sell clothes, items or merchandise for big corporations. They do NOT form a part of mainstream culture, so feminists and globalists see them as useless men who are not willing to be sacrificial lambs. If you cannot be commodified to play music and have an image tailor made in movies, shops or normie entertainment, you are a discarded member of society.


It would slap together traditional, melodic death, thrash, groove, symphonic and progressive sounds.

I would write themes revolving around HP Lovecraft, Dungeons & Dragons, Marvel, Star War, Star Trek, Lord of The Rings or songs about feminism killing men in wars. I would also write about how faux patriotism is exploited to fund illegal wars, regardless of which political party is in charge.

I would also write about the death of communities and how corporations are replacing historical buildings and pubs with warehouses and hyper supermarkets.I would do everything to make my band have a corporate deal with some clothing company, as well as have a strong social media presence. Yes, I know that’s capitalism, but this is what feminists and global capitalists wanted. You cannot work outside the system and expect people to find you these days.

Unlike many of today’s musicians, I will avoid topics like teenage angst, love or campaigning for women’s and LGBTQ rights (aka political feminism). That stuff ages quickly.

What is Heavy Metal (And why most of Glam, Nu Metal & Metalcore is Not)

Labels like glam metal, nu metal & metalcore is a huge problem here, caused by music journalists who think anything heavy is “metal”. If they replaced the name metal with rock, we wouldn’t even be arguing about this. Traditional metal bands (Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Venom, Motorhead etc) usually focused on fantasy, sci-fi, horror, gore, death, partying, history, religion and masculinity in the lyrics.

This reminds me of a time when I used to like A Day To Remember and my sister called me a metalhead, even though I’d never label ADTR as such. They’re more pop punk with hardcore influences.

The usual themes of love, heartbreak, left wing politics and personal struggles are more of a feature of normal rock, indie and punk. Hell, there are hardcore punk, screamo and grind band much heavier than many metal bands, but they have never called themselves ‘metal’.

It’s not a case of being closeminded. Metal has always been an esoteric genre with a small, but loyal fanbase. Its roots and its heavy label (created by record producers) will always lie around the time it appeared between 1970-85. That also includes the likes of Kreator and Anthrax debuting.

The newer so-called metal bands simplify their lyrics and their musicality to chase new fans. I guess glam, nu & core have succeeded to a moderate extent in getting non-metalheads like myself to discover the traditional metal bands like Metallica, Slayer, Pantera & Megadeth. But a lot of the non-metalheads who listen to glam, nu and core often stop listening after a while and go back to being normies. There’s nothing wrong with that, as I used to listen to metalcore and refused to call myself a metalhead out of respect for the diehard traditional metalheads. I’m a heavyhead. I know bands like At The Gates, Carcass, Death, Opeth, Morbid Angel & Cannibal Corpse, but I know there’s even some who exclude death & black as being true metal.

I don’t need to beg old school fans to call me a metalhead because I don’t need them to pander to me and make me feel “included” lol

Yes, Looks DO Matter.

Yes, looks do matter far more than most normal people are willing to admit. Heck, it’s a cliche to hear than personality matters more than appearance. Having a good personality and intelligence is useful, but it has its limitations. “You’re beautiful no matter what size or shape you are” is the worst virtue-signalling nonsense ever 🤣. Preaching equality is not only a lie, but also rather dangerous.

Surveys and science do show, however, beautiful people (even good-looking ethnic minorities) have an advantage in work opportunities, making friends and many things in life. Every time I hear a man say “I love being short,” there’s always an awkward pause and/or a squirm on their face. They (and a 5′ 7″ Chinese man like me) know looks, ethnicity and height matter.

For those wondering, my 5′ 3″ sister is getting married to a 6′ 2″ bloke who looks like Kai Harvetz next month. I’m not joking.

Why do the greatest athletes, musicians, actors, scientists, politicians, businessmen and whatever often happen to be either average looking or even downright ugly? (I’m looking at you, Messi & Modric). Why are most top comedians average or ugly in appearance? (They’re jestermaxxing, because many women will complain how they feel uneasy at their presence).

Clue: they’re maxxing out their talents and compensating for their lack of inherent good looks.

How about those who are self-proclaimed communists or fascists, who cling onto their political beliefs as a cope over their lack of beauty? Have you ever noticed it’s rare (if not non-existent) to see someone who’s a Chad or a Stacy become political extremists? (Clue: they blame everything that is wrong with their lives as a reflection of the world rather than themselves and their limitations, whether it’s ugliness, dumbness or being unfit).

How about the fact that most hardcore sport (or hobby) fanatics are regularly below the rating of 6/10 on the looks chart. Worshipping their sport idols and/or favourite team (like I did with Kimi) is literally a cope to ignore the fact in the real world, they’re irrelevant.

I could remember when young Kimi Raikkonen was driving for McLaren. Whilst paddock insiders lamented his aloof and crude persona, many fangirls (particularly Asians) drooled over his Nordic features. Despite being 5′ 9″ and unable to string a coherent sentence together, his baby face and supreme driving technique made him a mini chadlet. I even questioned my own sexuality 😆.

As he aged however, the age pill and dad pill (along with his vices) stole his looks. He became invisible to the new generation of fangirls. Some just dismissed him as a washed up dinosaur with the wrong political beliefs. Comparing young and old Kimi is like remembering a lanky pretty boy who lost his looks (and maybe even his limbs) in a fireball car accident, where girls forgot he existed when he recovered.

Hell, his first wife Jenni Dahlman (who’ s 5′ 10″) was cheating on him regularly when they were married (remember his outburst about Jenni cheating on him 3 months into their marriage in Gran Canaria? I know people laugh about him pulling his trousers in front of strippers, but it’s the moment he realised his first marriage was already doomed. BRUTAL and very sad.) I can’t help but think old Kimi is more of a simp to the slightly more beautiful Minttu than I’d want to imagine.

I remember being baffled (when I was a schoolkid) at how a wheelchair friend actually got into a relationship. Before his accident, he stood 6 feet tall. Whether he was a nice guy or not is something I can’t ascertain because he went to a private school pre-accident, so I never knew what he was like as an able bodied man. I was also confused at why he was able to stop his grudge at the guy, who ruined his life, living rent free in his head. The answer is this: he adorned flowing brown locks, he was hazel eyed and he possessed a nice jawline and sharp cheekbones. Despite hanging out with nerds and being disabled, at least he had the one only real privilege: Beauty privilege. (And before you say I’m lying, my school friends can attest to you that I am speaking facts). He is now married despite the fact he’ll never walk again.

I also had remember looking at photos of registered sex offenders on Duckduckgo. Nearly all of them had one thing in common: they looked like sub 3 humans. Not because of the crimes they committed, but facially they genuinely appeared demonic. Bent misshaped noses, foreheads that were either too large or too narrow, poorly proportioned faces, oversized lips, budging eyes, weird eyebrows… and I’m talking about white sex offenders exclusively. I can only fathom that if you’re fugly, most women (and gay men) are far less hesitant to report you to the police.

Yet a mixed race Californian felon named Jeremy Meeks won modelling contracts when his mugshot was published on the web! 🤣 Initially I started coping when I thought he’s a creep for being a criminal, but do women (especially desperate unattractive ones) really care? Heck, the two most high profile partners he’d ever had (Melissa and Chloe Green) were clearly in love with him because of his face, decent height and well-proportioned shoulders because they knew he was their best chance of reproducing half-decent looking children.

Just observe this trashy music video:

Fifth Harmony- Work From Home

The women featured are lusting after two handsome builders. The men are poor as fuck. They’re telling you that you have to work and provide like a slave (as well as listen to them yell at you, devour you and make your life a miserable hell with barely any sex) to make them your partner, but they will give their best sex to Chad. “Happy wife, happy life”. 😆 🤣 And that rapper would probably be dealing dope or working a 12 hour, 6 days per week job if he hadn’t made it semi-big.

Now some may counter this by talking about ugly men who marry gorgeous women. But those men had leverage elsewhere: money, inheritance, humour and/or unfortunately, they could also be a simp. And those gorgeous women got rejected by Chads and Chadlites perhaps because they have had a large number of sexual partners, a former career as a stripper or porn actress and/or an account on my favourite website, OnlyFans. 😆 🤣

I also remember incidents within F1 Twitter, where 4 or 5 blokes got cancelled. Most of these involved were “inappropriately” messaging girls or committing “wrongthink” over mass immigration, boat invaders, the hijab and mosques. Clue: they were ugly looking nerds, so it was convenient for the aggrieved female recipients of their advances to condemn them as “creepy” and “dangerous”.

There’s also countless average or ugly guys who watch red pill manosphere and PUA social media content religiously. But frankly, it takes both men and (mostly) women only a split second to work out if someone’s attractive or not. Learning pick-up lines and “game” is beyond corny as fuck, when most of the techniques required to attract and flirt with women are just regular social skills.

And before anyone mentions it, yes I know Chads, Tyrones and Stacies are not immune to mental health issues and personal struggles. Some of them end up suffering imposter syndrome, when they realise they are handed job and relationship opportunities simply because they’re pretty. Not because they’re smarter or nicer, but because their external appearance is more pleasant to look at. Their looks literally become their personality in the short-term, regardless how poor their social skills, how rude they are and other shortcomings. It’s when their actions start to grate on others that using their looks as leverage become limited.

And let’s be real here folks, your appearance will always form everyone’s first impression of you. Got bright green hair and facial piercings? I’m going to instinctly immediately assume you’re a member of the LGBTQ+ woke gang, even if you secretly despise such political beliefs even more than yours truly. Heck, most assume I’m a weird bum with my worn out glasses and longish, wavy, jet black hair. (That’s another story, however.) 😃😉

What White Privilege REALLY is

As a Chinese conservative, I used to scoff at this notion. I remember Maajid Nawaz explaining NBC if you said this to some white welfare recipient or working class bloke who worked minimum wage in a warehouse, you’d be laughed off. He was correct only as far as exposing the mindset and life of sub 6 white men, who can only aspire to be average.

White privilege only truly definitively exists in one aspect of life: the dating market. If you think I’m inferring that majority of the most beautiful people are white Caucasian, you are correct. You could also maybe claim white privilege “exists” in whom become CEOs, chairmen and leaders, but members of political extremes will point their fingers at a certain ethno-religious group (and I’d rather not eloborate too much here). And frankly, I believe leadership roles should go to the best on merit. It’s not like feminists are fighting for equal representation for women to become bin ladies, working oil rigs, cleaning sewers and many jobs dominated by men due to how dangerous they are (despite how critical they actually are).

White beauty privilege is probably also why white nationalists (particularly female ones) adhor non-white immigration: they find 75% of non-white people to be subhuman in appearance. They know that non-white sub 8 men struggle to attract beautiful or average women unless they betabuxx and/or nichemaxx HARD (or those women have some sort of problem *coughs* thugmaxx). And they may be prone to violence if they are actual incels (Elliot Rodger a strong example).

But what about (mostly) white men who go to Thailand? They’re mostly there is maximise their sexual market value, wealth and jbw. To some extent, they also want socially conservative women, even if they find these women to be less attractive.

You get idiot politicians like AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) who scream about white privilege, but yet she’s in a long term relationship with a white man! 😆🤣 (Woke in the streets, oppressed under the sheets.) 😆🤣

In terms of wealth income, Asians (excluding Muslims) on average earn and work far more than whites in most western nations. But in the dating market, Asian males lose out to whites and blacks (and there’s a huge imbalance in interracial dating between East Asian males and females).

And there’s no amount of political or legislative interference that could fix this. Let’s say a new law appears called “A woman must be available for every bachelor and men who have never experienced love and sex”. Most conservative and far right whites will naturally despise this “sexual socialism” (unless it helps sub 6 white men), whilst 99.9% of women (and especially loud & proud feminists unless they themselves are fugly, need a partner desperately and are mentalcels) will cry patriarchy, misogyny and whatever new buzzword insult is trendy.

And most women are only attracted to the best men they can attain, not their looksmatch (vice versa for men, who don’t care about looks, status or wealth as much as women. If the woman is “better” than us, we often give up and look elsewhere). If a 2/10 land whale has a relationship with an 8/10 Chad, every man beneath him is a beta. It’s brutal.

And “male privilege” only exists when a great man achieves something monumental, like climbing to the summit of Mount Everest. After all, men are responsible for fighting and defending civilisation. And when they give up, you get today’s world. Men, by and large, are disposable unless they are truly elite.

Heck, ever wondered why there’s many transwomen these days? Because females have privilege, not men. I wonder if Blaire White became a woman because she realised no-one took her seriously as a soft faced 5′ 7″ male with zero cheekbones nor jawline. Then there’s Eliot (Ellen) Page who’s been caught wearing heel lifts as a transman. Being a short 5′ 7″ man is already a problem in the dating market, let alone a 5′ 1″ transman.

And what is a “femcel”? A woman who will never get the man of her dreams- chiselled cheekbones, strong jawline and all the features of a Chad.

Am I bitter, hurt and angry?!

No. I hate the game of The Laws of Attraction, not the players.

Only 40-45% of men who have ever existed have passed down their genes, whilst 90-95% of women have succeeded. Modernity has returned the vast majority of society to its primitive state. The reason why Western civilisation flourished is because it enforced monogamy and social shaming over promiscuity and intermarital affairs. This meant even men who would be incels in today’s world would get married. Societies, where polygamy reign supreme, collapse because there’s a surplus of angry lonely single men. Their abundant sexual frustration translates into unstoppable rage and violence.

There’s no doubt dating apps like Tinder, social media and smartphones have excerbated the situation of more single people and population decline. In a world where almost only looks matter, only the 10% most beautiful win.

Whilst women have the luxury of being human beings, men will always be human doings.

I have to thank my family for putting up with me. There’s the blue pill, which clouded my judgment during my teen years and early 20s, believing the Disney fairytale of “There’s someone for everyone”. There’s the red pill, which believes if you work hard enough, you can attract women via materialism, money-maxxing, gym-maxxing, personality fixing etc. There’s the black pill, which firmly places a fixation on looks and refusing to believe free will exists. In this realm, hard work is highly overrated and I often wonder how some of these cohorts find their purpose- also known as “coping”.

I’m probably positioned in the brown pill- between the red and black pills.

I honestly hate it when people argue “There’s kids dying in Africa” or “There’s immigrants working 16 hour shifts for Uber”. It’s a brilliant sign that you know someone hates listening to your problems.

I used to resent the girls who rejected me at school and let them live rent free in my head even than those who bullied me. But now I understand they wanted the most attractive men they could attain, not an average dork. They instinctively know they want the best genes for their future offspring. And I myself have exactly the same beliefs, but I am far more honest. If I had children with those women, our children would be average at best (unless they were naturally ultra intelligent and/or supremely athletic specimens).

But there’s also a thing called boundaries: I lost count the number of times my mother would get upset because someone like my auntie would tease me on my appearance. So she (and my sister to some extent) would obsess over my hair and clothes without realising it’s not going to add even 1 point to my sexual market value. And certainly not change my subceptibility to eczema nor rather large nose.

Ever wondered why the cosmetic industry for both men and women is so lucrative?

Read up on what Tupac said when he went from a nobody to a superstar in 12 months.

And that’s my biggest regret: not actually applying myself at school and finding a way of supporting myself much sooner. So I don’t have negogiate with my family, who are naturally going to be blue pilled about me in general. Getting my independence, whether it means moving somewhere new, quit wanking or never watching F1 and football again, is a priority.

Let’s be real, most elite sportsmen are in the business of accumulating generational wealth, not necessarily winning trophies.

I do get extremely angry at myself when I realise how many years of my life I’ve wasted. And I have (unfairly) lashed out at my family about this, but now I’ve accepted they are limited in how much they can help me. In truth, there’s nothing I can help them with. I’ve been getting in the way of my parents moving faster towards retirement and enjoying themselves.

And I will only have children if I know I can find a woman who has outstanding (or at least very good) traits such as being tall (not above 6 feet however), having well-defined facial features (no, not cleft lips) and being fairly intelligent. Blue and green eyes is a bonus. People may call me narcissistic, but I am not in the business of creating average nor subpar human beings. Sorry. Let’s face it, ugly women are insecure and hate the way they look, hence why some often indulge in promiscuity in the hopes of making a top 20% looking man interested in her. It’s also why top 20% beautiful women can be picky, because they, the Stacies (like the Chads) hold the keys in the dating market. I’m not enough of a “nice guy” to want to deal with a damaged woman, who’s lusting over men more handsome than me.

I no longer feel any allegiance to Britain 🇬🇧 nor its loony laws and deteriorating culture. I just want to live in a place that allows me to be me and it certainly ain’t China either (apologies to the white nationalists reading this). 👍

Be well and be at peace with yourselves, everyone.

Here’s two songs I enjoy far more than whatever the song “Work work work” above I just showed you: I Killed The Prom Queen- My Best Wishes & Within Temptation- Ice Queen. I can’t be bothered to analyse their lyrics.

I Killed The Prom Queen
Within Temptation
Elena Verrier
Heaven Shall Burn

Answers for @ffsGiovinco

You asked me why do I want to go to Czech Republic or Poland. It’s not so much I am desperate to go to those two countries in particular, since I know there are obstacles. The weather, the language, the culture and many things. Hell, I’m not sure the whole “Based” meme really rings true in Eastern Europe due to how much more socially liberal they’ve become since communism ended in the early 1990s.

And admittedly yes, I do fancy some Eastern European women- even though I have no idea of what they think of a skinny 5′ 7″ Chinese man in his 30s with a thinning hairline.

Would I succeed in finding decent employment? Could I find a residency permit? Would I find decent accommodation? Could I make friends at all? Could I do well-paying remote work?!

It’s partly down to the fact I do not see the Western world (Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium & possibly Spain, Italy and Portugal) going in the right direction. Extreme social liberalism, ethnic balkanisation (thanks to ever increasing immigration), declining religiosity (except Islam), single motherhood, social media, LGBTQ propaganda and stupid politicians- who start problems and then propose to solve those problems they were catalyst in enabling- are some of the things I hate.

I wished I had the bollocks to think around my problems back between when I was 11 and 18 years old. Whenever I thought about Eastern Europe, Italy, Portugal or Spain, I used to think “racist communist peasants or Latino morons” and I could remember watching BBC’s laughable documentary about UEFA Euro 2012 tournament in Poland & Ukraine. The presenters tried their pitiful hardest to make the black footballers say Eastern Europe was full of racist psychopaths, but failed!

I’ve spent my past 20 years struggling to hone in on my addiction to watching F1. F1, along with watching snooker, junk TV, football and browsing MySpace, have been my procrastination clutch methods of avoiding taking responsibilities.

I wished I could use a time machine so I could yell at 11 year old me, telling him to leave the confines of his comfy home and actually get real hobbies.

But sadly, I’m 32 years old and I’m beginning to realise time is running out before (well actually I am already) middle aged.

I sob over girlfriends I never had, I sob about the health problems I’ve had over eczema and my social anxiety.

And honestly, if I ever succeed in having children (that looks increasingly less likely by every second I piss around doing nothing with my life), I want to raise them in Poland or Czech Republic- or literally any country that doesn’t have drag queen story hour or pretends their white nations have always been multiethnic (hint: no that’s not true, it’s just a sad attempt to make ethnic minorities to feel “included” when my family’s heritage lies mostly in Hong Kong, China & Mexico) in their curriculum at school.

I don’t envision a future for myself in the UK or any western nation. I know Eastern Europe & even Japan has recently fallen victim to globohomo, where “diversity is our strength” and Iran, China & Russia are the trivium are evil and most be conquered is a message becoming rapidly prevalent.

However, I see hope in Visegrad Eastern Europe. They are more alert and aware of the dangers of communism, authoritarian tyrants and barbarian hordes on their gates due to their geography and history. I’m not that much of a fan of Viktor Orban due to his questionable love of communist China. Hungary is a bit of mess to be honest and most of their family stimulus packages actually goes to single mothers and gypsies.

However, Czechia, Poland & Slovakia are much smaller in population size, so they have more of a closeness in similarities- more of an ethnic “family” compared to UK, France, Germany, USA, Canada & Australia.

Plus huge immigration is making houses more expensive. I need to mention the farmers’ protest in the Netherlands- the government is destroying farms to create new accommodation for “refugees”.

The Ukraine crisis is complicated and I’m not so well educated on it like I was with Hong Kong and China. Apparently western governments are planning to invest resources into the country’s infrastructure such as houses and… agriculture (Yet they’re shutting down farms in the Netherlands?!).

The culture wars between the left and right is nauseating and painful. I know Eastern Europe also has its own debates over cultural libertinism, Russia & social conservatism. Czech Republic is also renowned for being by far the most atheist Slavic nation. Poland, once very Catholic, but they themselves have become more feminist and liberal, partly due to Poles becoming westernised from their time living and working in UK & Germany.

The final part is personal. I’ve never been truly independent, due to struggling with learning difficulties in my early years, where I didn’t start speaking properly until I was 6 years old. I have almost zero ability to speak Cantonese properly due to me needing to prioritise learning English for the sake of… well, having a semi-normal life. I feel like regardless of where I’ll live in UK, my parents will always want to keep an eye on me at all times. That’s despite them moaning back at others that I never do anything for myself.

I believe I need to leave UK when I can for my own self-respect. I need to deal with problems by myself and let my parents enjoy their upcoming retirement. If I’m stuck in the UK for the rest of my life, I will feel like a failure. I am aware that, unless a major civil conflict occurs, the demographics of the Western world could look similar to South America by 2050 & possibly South Africa by 2100.

Do I want my children to grow up in a place like what the West is becoming? I don’t want to live in China due to the tyrannical communist party, who have imposed zero Covid measures to horrendous effect. China, Japan, South Korea and other East Asian countries for heading for serious demographic decline- very few children being born, lots of old people living into their 70s and 80s with no-one to care for them.

A message for young men and women: How supporting Kimi Raikkonen & being obsessed with F1 RUINED my life

Reading my social media feed concerns me. It’s full of angry people posting nonsense “How could anyone like Kimi?” or “How could anyone hate Max?” and get irritated when they get nothing but incendiary backlash.

It’s not too late for you to sort your life out. It may be too late for me to become rich, play in a band, do club racing, have 5 kids and move to Czech Republic or Poland, but I’ll give you tips:

Put your phone down.

Seek a therapist or help.

Stop watching junk TV.

Realise F1 is not the end of the world.

Learn a musical instrument.

Learn a language.

Develop a better attitude.

Build a routine or timetable.

Find a new hobby.

Find new friends who help you appropriately and don’t just egg on bad habits you may have.


All I want to do is become financially independent enough to leave my parents’ home and go to Eastern Europe.

The hypocrisy of “boycotting” 2022 FIFA World Cup

“If you don’t like it, don’t watch it!”

“It’s their culture, who are you to tell them otherwise?!”

“Haven’t you seen the human right abuses in the Middle East, Russia & China?!”

Let’s be real- when Sepp Blatter revealed Qatar to be the hosts of 2022 FIFA World Cup back in Dec 2010, most western media reacted in horror. But frankly, the occurrence of a country with little football history being awarded a World Cup, as long as they had more money than rival bids, was always inevitable.

But why is a boycott of this year’s FIFA World Cup hypocritical and futile?

After all, if you return to watching Premier League and Champions League games like normal, when club football resumes post-Qatar, I’m going to explain why “boycotting” football’s biggest event will achieve nothing long term and do nothing to improve the sport’s pulverised ethics. I’ll explain…

We made FIFA rich. Phony protests like throwing cash at Blatter were vacuous and reactionary.

When the English Premier League and UEFA Champions League replaced the former English First Division and European Cup in 1992, the road to football’s transformation into a plaything for rich oligarchs began. With the Bosman ruling being implemented around this time (when a footballer named Jean-Marc Bosman was angry that his then-club blocked his transfer to another club and sacrificed his entire career to force the European Union to change workers’ rights concerning freedom of employment), it was pretty clear that player power and big club power would become unstoppable.

Obviously in the 1980s, there were some signs the above events were possible. Diego Maradona became the first millionaire footballer when he joined Napoli, when Italy had the world’s then-most expensive league in Serie A. In the 1960s, Jimmy Hill (correct me if I’m wrong) succeeded in urging the English Football Association to abolish the maximum wage (something like £20 per week).

And what have a lot of fans done in response to these events?

Not much, except moan and whine about footballers being out-of-touch spoilt prima donnas. Simultaneously, due to a deep love of the sport and loyalty to whatever big club they might support, they keep paying ever-increasing ticket prices to attend games. Of course, I know many fans inherited their love of a certain club from their family members or local community.

But it remains a fact that most big clubs (such as Man Utd, Arsenal, Barcelona etc.) have become like big F1 teams and American-style franchises. They have gone from being the hobby hubs of the community in European working class lives during the late 19th century and early 20th century, to huge multinational corporations who sell their commercial and property rights to the highest bidders around the globe.

Football fans, have gone from deploring increased spending, foreign imports and rearranged fixtures to now demanding their club spend 100s of millions upon young superstars in the making. Our big noisy neighbours have just spent a record breaking £156 million on a Brazilian kid called Blancinho, why don’t we spend £190 million on Ngubinho?!

Have you ever wondered why TV listings call their shows “programs” or “programming”? Modern professional football, just like mainstream media and television, are reprogramming your brains to accept huge cash splurges and creating heroes and villains out of players and managers. And the mainstream media will air so much news coverage about it, making football seem way more important than it truly is.

In the 1990s, La Liga, the Premier League and the big 5 leagues located their fan demographics mostly around their nations. But since then, they’ve transformed from national leagues into global leagues and UEFA Champions League is worth £100 million in TV revenue to the big boys who regularly reach the knockout rounds.

Football bears little resemblance to sports like F1, rugby union or tennis, which have always been funded by elites and rich playboys. Remember the comical Andrea Moda F1 team of 1992? Not exactly what I’d call a team that was ran by the people, for the people (to borrow a populist phrase). Remember blue clay at the Madrid tennis Open? Remember the days when English northern working class men broke away from rugby union and created rugby league, a division which still exists today? Oh yes, there’s also the LIV golf tournament in Saudi Arabia, but at least the sport’s governing body were willing to sanction the mercenaries who attended that laughing stock of a tournament.

Well, here’s a message for football/soccer fans: you have remained willing consumers in this sport’s descent into decadence and creating a new money class.

You should have turned your backs on certain clubs and demanded them to lower prices (£5 per match/£100 season ticket). No-one should’ve spent a single penny on Sky Sports or BT Sports.

A FIFA World Cup in Qatar was always, always fucking inevitable. We keep paying higher prices because of FOMO (fear of missing out), while oil barons pump their blood stained cash into Manchester City, Newcastle United & Paris Saint Germain. American & Russian billionaires playing around with the likes of Man Utd & Chelsea. Real Madrid & Barcelona spreading their brand to every corner of the globe, allowing African, Asian & pan-American fans and authorities to neglect their grassroots and local clubs.

I write this as someone who saw FIFA World Cup as a sacred event when I was 10 years old. My first World Cup was 2002, when it was held in Japan & South Korea. Of course, a lot of the best footballers were already multimillionaires, but the games had a lot of adrenaline and testosterone pumping. England got eliminated in the quarter-finals, but Brazil had the best team. Ronaldo, Rivaldo & Ronaldinho were mouth-watering spectacles to witness.

20 years on, we have footballers complaining about too many games being held, subjecting their bodies to permanent injuries and being exploited by their employers and their football associations.

The last 3 World Cups were held in South Africa (2010), Brazil (2014) & Russia (2018), nations whom should have spent their hosting fees and stadium infrastructure costs on improving their citizens’ lives and eradicating poverty.

Modern sports (football, boxing, F1, Olympics etc.) have become propaganda tools for “sportswashing”. There’s stories of slave labour being exploited and stories of youth prospects in a lot of sports being overworked (and left with McDonalds as their best job prospects when only 2% of apprentices become pro) and even victims of human trafficking. This is particularly in regards to kids from Africa & South America joining fake academies in Europe, only to be sent to some dodgy slave labour factory. Or worse, be coerced into joining a drug gang because their hopes of making money to feed their families back home was scuppered by lies and slave traffickers.

But what did the masses do? Turn a blind eye and wear their national team jerseys during the big games in the hopes of being happy for 90 minutes.


If the working men all over the world want football to be a truly working class sport again, they should do this:

-Rename Premier League and all the EFL leagues as First, Second, Third & Fourth Division. Remove Premier League as a governing body and allow Richard Scudmore and his mates to become investors in Abu Dhabi.

-Besiege all European national football associations to enforce maximum ticket prices for fans and maximum wages for players. No top footballer should be paid more than £200,000 per year, NOT per week. If this is not met, then mass boycotts need to occur until demands are met.

-Sanction all clubs who permit their players, coaches and fans to abuse and assault the referees and his/her assistants. Absolutely disgusting low life behaviour that wouldn’t even pass as acceptable behaviour for criminals and prisoners.

-Enforce a limit of 5 foreigners per clubs (or in Britain & Ireland’s cases, foreigners not born and bred in the British Isles.)

-Ban youth academies from giving apprenticeships to foreign children and adults under 21 years old. This may seem discriminatory, but it may end human and child trafficking which is endemic in Africa, Latin America and Asia, where traffickers and “agents” promise hopes of great prospects in Europe and huge future wages.

-Ban football agents. Make players negotiate their contracts on their terms with only their relatives and friends as assistance.

-Demand all clubs to be owned by local businessmen who are accountable to their communities, not foreign billionaires with dubious human rights abuses and/or connected to investment companies on their CVs.

-Urge all nations to remove their associations from UEFA & FIFA and withdraw from all major events such as the World Cup, European Championship, Champions League, Europa League, Club World Poppa Doms Cup etc.

-If needs be, create non-profit replacements for UEFA and FIFA

-Refuse to renew Sky and BT sports cable packages for big football matches.

-Make all teams host their league matches during 7.45 pm on a weekday and 3.00pm on a weekend. No games on Friday & Sunday.

-Ban European teams from selling live TV or partial highlights coverage to all cable companies worldwide or streaming services such as Amazon & YouTube. Only onsite spectators can watch these games live in person

-Demand all national team matches (England, Scotland, Wales, N Ireland etc.) to be available to watch live on terrestrial TV.

-Urge all major UEFA & FIFA international tournaments to be held in countries that pass human rights laws and require minimal finances to improve their facilities in order to host these events. Merit, passion and excellence should be prioritised ahead of $$$.

-Remember that corporations should not be permitted to exploit you and your fellow fans & citizens for your hobbies, which are at best Bread & Circuses.