Feminists are actually correct about Andrew Tate being a toxic role model. However, of course, I disagree on why Tate is poor at helping men. Tate is very much a self-improvement guru who has no interest in using his wealth to change misandrist laws. He is misdirecting the course of debate so most men remain slaves without realising it or having the opportunity to challenge the legal system. Tate merely plays into the stereotype of the rags-to-riches playboy who talks like he’s 12. It makes him an easy target for fems to blab on about so-called toxic masculinity. He is accentuating male solipsism and that caveman desire to chase status at fellow men’s expense.

Tate constantly misframes his argument and engages in misandry. He will shame men for not being masculine enough and use misandrist language like ‘pussy’, ‘beta’ and ‘simp’. Funnily enough, he does talk like a feminist at times and he often allows them to dictate the terms of debate. I’ve seen him ignorantly lose debates without realising he spews man-hating garbage from himself. He will attack men for not being breadwinners, not leaving their parent’s homes and having mental health issues. His most egregious videos are labelled “Why Depression is fake”, but he frames it from his own solipsistic perspective of never experiencing mood disorders (or so he claims).

A key example of Tate ceding ground to feminism is when he tells men to man up and become “breadwinners”- better known as head servants. He essentially agrees with feminists that men can be all-conquering with the way they think and behave. But research shows women make the majority of household decisions, such as finances, chores decoration, children, hobbies, selection of friends and various aspects. But of course, Tate is a classic misandrist-in-denial. He is a libertarian MGTOW (Men going their own way, or in reality, men being sent their own way).

He will herald the so-called “patriarchy”, without realising only 40% of men passed on their genes compared to 95% of women. A quick glance of Briffault’s law will tell you women look for men with high status, better known as hypergamy. Men built civilisation for the protection of women and children. They sacrificed themselves to fend off enemy men to shield their resources and assets in the name of their community and nation.

“Misogyny”, as some may struggle to believe, is not real. As much I loathe Mr. Tate, he is not “misogynist”. Men, who commit domestic violence and regular petty crime, are often of a poor upbringing from a single mother household. Statistics prove children, of single mother households, are heavily dispositioned towards worse life outcomes than children from dual parent households or single father households.

Women may complain about psychopathic, domineering men, but in 2013, 50 Shades of Grey was a bestselling novel. It does signal that certain women like high status men with dark triad personalities, doesn’t it? However, this is often the result of them “loving” men who would screw another man for her benefit, if needs be.

His fanboys merely exist to build his brand and spam videos of his one liners over social media. Andrew Tate cares about himself and no-one else. He was clearly allowed a platform by mainstream media to provide a distraction from real men’s issues such as struggling to attain employment, no fault divorce, homelessness and gender discrimination against men. He is the most blatant smokescreen, who would happily destroy his own loyal acolytes if it meant adding another zero to his net worth.

Men’s Rights Activism really does need a messiah, who has riches to defend himself in court and the intellect and desire to make men’s lives better. Otherwise, someone like myself might write a book about MRA and how men suffer from misandry in the workplace, marriage and the legal system. It would basically be like Karl Marx or Orwell writing material that few cared about when they were alive, but it becomes popular after they die. Like I said, your average underpaid Joe is not disciplined, savvy nor driven to improve men’s issues. They are distracted by agendas and smokebombs from selfish grifters, who would sacrifice them on the altar if they could gain from their disciples’ demise.

Does Andrew care that the majority of workplace deaths and homeless people are men? Does he even realise his own pursuit of wealth is to impress women, regardless of how much he denies it? The fact that 80% of divorces are filed by women? How the majority of prisoners, drug addicts, school dropouts and those who commit suicide come from single mother homes? How gender roles are reinforced by women and elites, even by so-called progressives who latch onto leftist politics for their self-aggrandisement? How capitalism and consumerism is dictated mostly by women, who spend far more money than men per capita? How wars are used to impoverish, kill and mentally destroy men from within, who serve the front lines and sacrifice themselves for psychopathic despots everywhere? And how religion and social conservatism is telling men to sacrifice themselves for others, but never makes the same demands for the opposite gender, who can demand their men to work themselves to their grave? Or how much the majority of racial and homophobic discrimination is directed at men? After all, put an attractive ethnic woman in front of a white nationalist and his seed will be mixed with whom he preached as the devil.

And as for myself, I’ve wasted far too much of life thinking about gaining money, status and women. But it has pushed me further and further into depression, conparing myself to millionaires and businessmen I shouldn’t even care about. If I had a mentality of being someone who traveled the world and using my labour to challenge the legal system, I would be more content with myself. Writing a book with my name would be an accomplishment, even if I died penniless with rock bottom status, no wife and no children.

Disenfranchised, low status, impoverished men need a benevolent dictator- and it absolutely 💯 is not Andrew Tate.

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